The Great Migration Begins … (What You Need to Know)

Keep your eyes peeled for an email with the following subject line:

Subject: (Invitation) Upgrade to Simpleology 2.0

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Upgrading to 2.0 is free.
  • We’ll send this invitation out to blocks of 10,000 users at a time. This process may take several days, but it’s the best way for us to ensure the stability of the system during the transition.
  • Products and memberships you purchased will be unaffected by the upgrade. (you will still have access to everything you did before)
  • You can still choose between two account types: Free and Premium. (the benefits of both will increase significantly in the coming weeks and months)

Once you’ve upgraded, we’re very eager to hear what you think. So, please keep the feedback coming. (We’re building this for you, after all …)

How to send feedback:

There’s a lot more to come, but that’s enough for today … I’ll be checking this blog post and personally answering everyone I can.

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