Monthly : April 2012

Start My Day Gets an Overhaul

“Start My Day” (formerly known as “Daily Target Praxis” and changed because no one knows what a “praxis” is) just got a major overhaul.  Three brand new features here to help you get more done even faster …

New Feature:  Total Control

The whole “simple vs. advanced” thing was confusing.  Now you get to see all of the modules up front (even the former “simple” module) and customize them as you see fit.

When you do Start My Day ... now you can control which moduels you see

Don’t have people to delegate to today?  No problem.  Just leave that module out.  Don’t have items to schedule?  Same deal … Much faster now.

New Feature:  Buckets

In the old Start My Day, you’d classify items and then wonder “where did they go?”

First, Classify your targets ... then see which bucket they are in

Wonder no more.  Now at the bottom of the SMD page you can see several “buckets” that include all of the items you’ve classified in their proper places.

New Feature:  Tip of the Day

We’re improving Simpleology so fast that it’s a challenge keeping up …

Simpleology Tip of the Day - When you finish Start My Day ... discover new Simpleology Features

Now, at the end of each Start My Day session, we’ll highlight a new feature so you can gradually master the system more and more each day.

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