Tagged : Christmas

What People Really Want for Christmas (and 3 other sneaky tricks you can pull with “Lists”)

What do people really want for Christmas?

To feel loved and important, of course. Ah, but you want something more specific? Read on, fellow productivity hacker …

Or rather, watch this quick video showing you:

- How to trick your friends into revealing what they want for Christmas (and still have your gift be a surprise)

- 3 other sneaky tricks you can pull with the new “publish” button on Lists

- A sneak peak at what’s coming down the pike with the new “Elite Lists

What People Really Want for Christmas (Youtube)

(view in full-screen mode for best experience)

P.S. Is there a specific Elite List you’d like to see? Spill it in the comments below. If the idea is awesome, and/or popular enough, we’ll make it so.

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