The Hard Pivot – Interlude: The Mutiny Project
So where does this leave us?
You know Simpleology is about to make a hard pivot and completely reinvent itself.
You know that this change came about after observing that technology often makes our lives more difficult and that free access to information is changing our lives in unexpected – and not always positive – ways.
But there’s a lot more to this conversation. These developments have caused us to re-think every other aspect of our business as well.
We’ve changed the way we do marketing.
We’ve changed the way we manage our operations.
We’ve changed the way we develop software.
Literally every single aspect of our business has been re-imagined.
In our quest to reinvent ourselves we have learned much. We have also wasted quite a bit of time, energy, and money on outmoded business advice that just does not work anymore. Oh let me tell you … the line of consultants ready to teach you nonsense (and ask you to pay through the nose for it) is long. And we are not alone in this observation. We are now part of a group of world class entrepreneurs assembled to rise up against the nonsense.
We call this “The Mutiny Project” or “Mutiny” for short.
We don’t want you to make these same mistakes. So, as an interlude to our discussion about the new software, we want to share this new hard won knowledge with you. Knowledge we feel is essential for business survival in this changed world. It will be made freely available to all. And as our way of saying thanks to our Elite members we will be offering you additional resources and knowledge to help you make this transition into a new way of doing business easier. (It won’t be easy – but we do feel it will be essential for your business survival.)
We’ll be sharing it in digestible and immediately usable chunks – called “Waves” – over the coming months. The first Wave will be available next week.
Wow! That sounds VERY exciting! I can’t wait!
Yes the world is changing VERY fast. The Internet & Internet Marketing is changing even Faster!
@geoffowen And we are also adopting it at a good speed.
@geoffowen That’s for sure it is mind boggling to keep on top of all the changes.
Evolve or die. Bring it.
sound interesting MJ, reminds me of the sessions you did for Million Dollar Business Models…can’t wait to learn more
I am naturally curious and look forward to new information ….Iveta
curious…as a marketing strategist who charges for my experience and thought-leadership and as a life-long learner. “As the World Turns” is not just the name of a long-running soap-opera, it is also a way of life in today’s fast-paced digital reality.
excellent – looking forward to it (well said, too, btw)
I’m certain the majority of readership here would agree that we all take an interest in news from simpleology, however your reference to an assembly raises the bar a fair degree.
When you merely use the technology one is usually not aware of the process and changes, but with the Tablet transition and micronization of chips and Cloud storage the standard Laptop may disappear.
@I’m waxing my surf board ready for the first wave
Thanks so much Mark for originating this project. I am working with an author on an Epic Adventure Series of 8 books, with final editing of the first book complete and publication is imminent. We have originated a new method of publication which gives our customers much more value for their dollar. We are also going to be a publisher for other authors who have found the mainstream publishers to be less than responsive to new authors. More to come.Great work on this project, and I hope to be able to contribute something back.
I am curious of the purpose if the red i in the name. It is not accidental so it got my attention.
I’m listening!
I’m curious where this is going and you certainly have my attention.
Mutiny- motherhood known partners…
excellent – looking forward to it
Oh yeah baby! Looking forward to the first wave next week!Totally feeling the MUTINY vibe now. That’s why we’re raising money to get sensational superstar MOHANNA BEY and her politically-charged “NO SHIT NO MORE” message of We The People on as many mainstream stages as possible before the 2012 elections. Mark, you truly carry the voice of world class entrepreneurs!
Boyaka Da Kine Ya Buah ! ! Superior business an life evolution right here = Mutiny Waves
Looking forward to the swell, got my board ready to catch the waves (using the surfing metaphor) Ja Mata my bro….
Technology can sometimes be funny. All the best and keep up the good work.
I don’t have a surfboard, but I am just starting to learn all about internet marketing and plan on starting up my internet business – I can’t wait to learn how not to drown in the sea of internet ‘guru’s’ who insist they can show me how to make millions of pounds by listening to them (for a fee of course) – I have begun to ask myself, “Why aren’t they emailing me their information from their private island off of the coast of somewhere hot and luscious?” :-) Thank you for saving me from all thinks timewasting. I can’t wait to see what you and your team have done – Deb
Oh Mark, I absolutely cannot wait to see the new simpleology x.x everytime I log in I stare at the bottom right hoping there are some news. I’m so excited. You’re tha man! By the way, is there a way to train a day MMA with Mark? :p
I am ready! Lets DO IT!
It’s been over a week now and I’m dying to see what the Mutiny Project is all about!!!
I’m intrigue with what this is all about, I wanted to see how this will help us.
Just saw the trailer. Looking forward to hearing more.
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